Jack Chick was an asshole.
Armed with tracts and comics, strewn around the Bible Belt and beyond, he spread his paranoia and hatred of a wide range of people, including (but not limited to) feminists, Muslims, Catholics, Freemasons, Native Americans, occultists, queer people, bizarrely chosen targets of his culture war, and anyone a millimeter to the left of him. His fundamentalist Christian worldview featured Young Earth creationism, climate change denial, murderous Satanic cults, the divine inerrancy of the King James Bible, widespread demonic possession, and apocalyptic fantasies involving Jews. People of color are often drawn as racist caricatures, and many of his intended villains look like they walked out of a Der Stürmer cartoon. My collages are intended as parodies of all these things, but the original tracts are not, so they may be upsetting to some readers. Proceed at your own discretion.You can read more on the official website of Chick Publications (which is still on a list of hate groups maintained by the Southern Poverty Law Center) and in this article on Vox.
Fair use and all that, blah blah blah.

The header is a photo of a zebra shark, though the original photo mislabels it as a leopard shark. Credit to Lewis Burnett.